For the team time trial, TE was feeling pretty good at their chances for doing well. All 3 guys had had really good weeks training and were familiar with the route.
The start was slow, but many teams decided it was OK to attack and pass with traffic all around. Well, sure enough, somebody went down right in front of us. It was a buddy of Jim's actually. The guys face was pretty beat up. We stood by to help and divert traffic around the scene. He'll be OK, but had to be hauled off in an ambulance.
They quickly got back to business and TE hammered the next 50 miles to make up time. Kevan however, flatted over a rail road track about half way. Undeterred, TE got back on it and hammered out the second half. Ben lead the group out in a hurry and his teammates likewise pulled him home. It was an excellent team effort that put TE in 7th place out of 22 teams. 5 hrs 27 minutes was the official time. Without the crash and flat, they would have been in around 5 hrs and 10 minutes. But an awesome effort. They were rewarded with lots of food, chocolate milk and a nice photo op with Miss Utah!
This weekend will see TE riders Kevan and Ben make to haul up Little Cottonwood Canyon in the 30th Annual Snowbird Hillclimb. Kevan's a natural climber who should do well. Ben is going to put in some more climbing miles before LOTOJA. Good luck!